Saturday, February 28, 2009

The First Post

Wow, the first post, always the most awkward by far-introductions can be a bit strange, can't they? I decided to keep this blog as a sort of diary of a magical life lived, to share my experiences and hopefully to learn something from my fellows in the magical community. My hope is to keep a relatively conflict free site. Arguments and differing points of view are welcome; open mindedness is also a requirement. This is not and will not be a forum for bashing people whose spiritual choices differ a bit from what is deemed "normal" and any comments that seem combatitive will be deleted without further consideration.

So, that over with, I'd like to introduce myself. I follow a Celtic path (though, admittedly, it tends toward being very eclectic) and have been studying the Craft, practicing on and off for many years. I come from a mixed religious background and only recently have been able to combine some of the traditions and spiritual beliefs that I cherish from those faiths into my current journey. What I practice works for me; it does not have to work for you. I am happily married to a man I adore and we have a four year old daughter, some fish, and a wonderful, playful tabby cat. I enjoy life as a wife, Mom, artist, and writer; as well, I enjoy the life of recovery as a sober woman on a path free of drugs and alcohol. I first became interested in all things witchy when I was in my first year of college. On a fluke a boyfriend and I decided to take a motorcycle ride to Salem, Mass. to Laurie Cabot's then shop at Crow Haven Corner. From there, I began reading, meeting people of different faiths, practicing ritual here and there. It has only been in the past two years, however, that I feel I've really, deeply touched upon a true contact with a Higher Power, a contact that involves give and take, and real responsibility. My journey of the past two years has lead me to have some intense and fantastic experiences; I love living a life where all living things are connected, and nature herself communicates with us. I really believe in the earth as a living being of sorts, more than just the sum of her parts.

That's all I can share right now. My duties as a Mom call, and it's getting late (funny how once we become parents, 8:30 is suddenly "late" for some of us).

Brightest of Blessings to you on this Saturday night.