Saturday, November 21, 2009

To Be In or Out of the Broom Closet

When I was in college and just discovering what being a Pagan was about (or so I thought; it seems I had A LOT to learn) I cared very little whether or not people knew I was studying Witchcraft. I wore my pentacle everywhere I went, spoke openly about the Goddess, left books about the Craft strewn about the apartment I shared with anywhere from two to three roommates and a cat. Once in awhile, someone would approach me offering their services in the department of "saving", which I would respectfully decline, then launch into a diatribe about how they really should do more research about their own religion, since most of what they were practicing was Pagan based. I didn't care much about being sensitive or low key, nor did I shy away from confrontation over the issue of faith. I was fearless, but naively so.

Nowadays, when someone questions me about my jewelry or my tattoo (I wear a small pentacle, and also have a vine pentacle tattooed around the upper portion of one of my arms), I explain what I believe in and try to be kind in my approach should their reaction prove negative. I have a greater respect for all religions, a better understanding of the energy we all share as human beings, as well as the energy we share with the earth and all of her inhabitants, in addition to the universe as a whole. It's okay if someone doesn't agree with me, though I will still explain my position and might even nudge them to read a bit of history, not to sway their own faith, but rather to gain a better understanding of the ideas of others, like me, who have chosen the less trodden path. Obviously, I don't hide who I am, but I'm cautious nowadays, more aware that sometimes prejudice and ignorance can lead to violence. I'm aware that even though I'm happy to explain the Goddess/God tradition I follow, my explanations might fall upon deaf ears. I know that if my very Christian neighbors discover I'm a Witch, they might be reluctant to allow their kids to visit our house, which would break my daughter's heart.

Recently, I attended a local Pagan study group. I met lots of interesting and intelligent people-artists, lawyers, teachers, yoga instructors, etc. In short, people from all walks of life who just happen to follow a Pagan path of some sort. I was talking with a man after the class, and I asked him if anyone at his job knew he was a Pagan (he is a teacher at a local high school). He shook his head and told me vehemently that he couldn't tell anyone at his school what his religious beliefs were, for fear that he would face discrimination and possibly lose his position. I think it's sad that ours is one of the only spiritual paths today where this is the case, where even the wearing of a pentacle, a spiritual symbol, might be looked upon negatively and even discouraged. We live in a country where religious freedom is treasured, and yet not all religions are accepted.

Because I'm a Mom, I face new fears with regard to my spiritual path. I don't want to be hassled over how I'm raising our daughter. I don't want my little one to experience any difficulties from parents of friends who don't understand, or other kids. Paganism and Wicca are much more accepted nowadays than they were back when I was in college. Due to the internet and people like Laurie Cabot, who I believe have provided the public with more education regarding the Craft and what it's actually about, as well as the availability of many, many books (some good, some not so good), more people are receptive to the idea of someone being a Pagan or a Witch or Wiccan (the terms are not necessarily interchangeable; a person might call him or herself one but not the other). I know Pagans who are very open about who they are; they accept the good and the ugly with grace and seem to get along just fine. I admire them and hope to one day join their ranks. I have my doubts that I will ever be open with everyone, but one never knows. Sometimes a bit of wisdom needs to be exercised in these matters; it's great to be honest, but it's also wonderful to have a job that keeps the food on the table and the bills paid!

I worry when I read about Sarah Palin and her association with a Pastor who is reputed for conducting Witch hunts in Kenya-ones that resulted in violence to people who probably were not even involved in Witchcraft. I suspect his motives were political in nature, but the fact remains that many people bought into his insanity and fell victim to his fear tactics. I hope that, over time, people will grow to be wiser, more willing to educate themselves in the truth.

For now, the door to my closet is about halfway open!!!

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