Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Bunker Hill Day

Today commemorates the Battle of Bunker Hill, which was fought in 1775 on Breed's Hill during the early part of the American Revolutionary War. While the battle turned into a victory for the British, it demonstrated that the heart of the Colonial forces was strong, that these largely inexperienced men were willing to go to battle for what they believed in and even present a challenging fight. The British may have claimed victory in this battle, but they also suffered the greatest losses on this day than on any other during the whole of the Revolutionary War. (info . from

Being from the greater Boston area, I've always felt proud of my roots. It's a cool thing to walk around the city, following the Freedom Trail and imagining the thundering of Paul Revere's heart as he tore through the streets of the town during his famous "midnight ride" to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the British Army's approach. It's inspiring to wander through Faneuil Hall Market Place; one can almost hear the rumbling of the revolutionaries who refused to tolerate political oppression and were willing to sacrifice their very lives in the cause of freedom. While Florida has its own history, it's a different history. Boston's history feels like my own, somehow. I connect with it.

On this day, I'm inspired by the idea that no matter how insignificant someone might seem to be, no matter how insignificant I myself sometimes feel, we can all make a positive difference in the life or lives of others. Likewise, today reminds me that we should never allow fear to prevent us from following our dreams and hearts.

May you be fearless today!!!!

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