Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lots of New Things Going On

I haven't been here for awhile due to the fact that I've been so busy with life and have had little time for sitting and writing on the computer. I do enjoy visiting here, though, and decided that tonight I would check out Blogger in spite of having other things I should be doing (insert deep sigh). Recently, my family and I added a white German Shepherd to our family. Already we are deeply in love with him and it seems as though he's been with us for more than the two weeks he's lived in our home. He is so sweet, affectionate, smart and cute. I have pictures but have yet to upload them (due to time constraints). I will post some as soon as I'm able to get them into my computer! Part of the reason for my absence has been his arrival; because he's a puppy, I've been busy with house training (which has been rough going some days, though it's getting better, with fewer accidents), playing, and just generally getting to know him with my daughter and husband. For the first week, my daughter and I didn't go out much because we wanted him to feel secure in his new place. This week things around here have been more relaxed. We even went out today for an hour and left him in the living room (with all of the doors to the other room shut). He didn't eat anything inappropriate, but I don't think I'd be daring enough to leave him in such an open space for more than an hour or so at this point in time. I have a "safe room" for him, but he hates being in there. I think he gets bored, since there is nothing in that room except his crate and a few toys (when we go out and I do leave him in there). He tends to go nuts when I leave him in there, while when we just go out and leave him in the living room he's calm when we leave as well as when we return. There will be much adjusting and feeling things out as the days and weeks progress!

As far as our new home, things have been going well here. We are all settled in, unpacked and beginning to enjoy living in a home with more room to stretch and grow. The only strange occurance that I've experienced is some drawers in my daughter's room being pulled out. Twice I've gone into her room to find that the drawers on her bunk bed have been pulled out to various distances. She swears that she is not the one who has been pulling them out and I can't think of any way they could be getting pulled out through natural means. I thought that maybe the cat was climbing up that side of the bed but upon examination I don't think this would be possible. When she climbs up to the top bunk to sleep she uses the ladder like we do. Other than this, nothing strange has happened. This occurance alone is enough for me for now, though. Maybe some normal explanation will arise. Or not.

1 comment:

  1. A puppy in the house is always a lovely addition. Left alone they will get bored and start chewing various pieces of furnitute/toys/shoes whatever is left lying around. It's not their fault though, so do be extra forgiving!

    Drawers being pulled out sounds absolutely fascinating. My own observation would be that someone is trying to make contact to assure you that either a)you are welcome or b)you are not! I do hope it's a friendly entity if no other scientific explanation can be found. Do keep me posted.

    CJ xx

    p.s. what is your facebook name?


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