Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tending the Garden

It looked like today was going to be a semi-unproductive day, but then the Hubs awoke from his midday couch slumber and agreed to make a trip to the garden center (insert lots of crazy cheering). An hour or so later, we were driving home with a truck full of soil, mulch, and assorted plants. My daughter and I had fun planning out the front garden, an area that has largely fallen into sad barrenness and really could use a lift. We decided upon a purple and pink flower theme, because it's a pretty combination and has a mystical sort of feel. Tomorrow will be the day of dirt; we'll be turning up the old bed, cheering up a tired section of the front yard. I'm looking forward to the smell of soil and the feel of fresh dirt under my nails.

On a sadder note, our neighbors will be moving to California soon. Standing out front this afternoon, talking with my fellow mommy of several years now, I got the update, and it wasn't the one I wanted, the one that said they'd made a terrible mistake and had decided to stay. No, this was an update filling me in on a much too soon move date and creating images in my head of tearful little girl good-byes. And tearful grown up good-byes too. I hate good-byes.

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