Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Wednesday

I found these pretty wildflowers growing in our backyard last week and decided to take a few pictures before they were eaten by iguanas, discovered by the dog, or mowed down by the mower. The did survive both the dog and the iguana tribe, but the lawn mower got them yesterday. I would have mowed around them, but most lawn mowing men care not for pretty little wildflowers. For me, they brightened my morning and I'm grateful for having spied them through the dining room window. Perhaps they will sprout up again.

The below picture is a jar of caterpillars we discovered munching on a tree near our house. We captured them just in time for said tree to be sprayed with some sort of repellant, possibly saving their lives and giving them a chance to grow into moths. Tetrio Sphinx moths, to be exact. I'm not sure we'll be able to satisfy their voracious appetite; they eat about three leaves per day apeice, and I can't supply them with so many leaves per day. They the leaves of plumeria trees, which we have none of in our yard. Feeding them involves sneaking into a local church yard and plucking them off the tree, and this I cannot do every day as I'm not near the church. Plus, I might draw a bit of suspicion if I keep creeping into the church yard each day. I don't exactly attend church there.

And, that's my peice for today. I haven't really accomplished much, and I feel very guilty about that. Some days it's hard to get motivated, and this was one of those days.

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