Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Enjoying the Compromise

The Universe has been sending me lots of messages lately about compromise. When planning this vacation, my head was filled with thoughts of doing the "traditional" things that we do while we're here in Mass. With the tropical storm and now, a few days of drizzly rain hanging over us (actually, it was pouring yesterday for awhile before the lighter rain began), plans have been altered a bit. The farmer's market probably isn't going to be among our stops today, but we will hopefully do our annual Boston trip on Friday.

When we flew up here I decided that, no matter what the weather did, we'd have fun, and we have. There have been sunnier days sprinkled into our time here so far, and even during the less (literally) powerful days we found places to eat hot food and enjoy a movie. Life is, indeed, what we make of it. Bad news about friends (one of whom suffered the premature death of her brother this week and another who has developed cancer, and a family member of mine who just passed away) has reminded me once again that life is short. We can choose the misery or try to find the joy where we can each day. Yesterday my Mom had to work, so Sparkle Fairy and I did art projects. First, we created sparkly painted flower magnets, then we designed a picture using foam flowers, butterflies and birds .

All the while, music sang away from the stereo in the den. We painted and plotted and stuck to James Taylor and then, later, to Celtic music. It was a great day in spite of our home bound state.

Today, it looks like the mall is calling. The drizzle persists and is showing no sign of letting up. It appears that we will, once again, be looking for joy in the comprise. But sometimes the best journeys are the ones unplanned.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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