Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunny Day Funning

I know that "funning" isn't a word, but I make up words all the time and don't care. I think that part of being human is being creative, and why shouldn't that extend to words???

Today turned out to be one of those sunny summer New England days that I dream about when I'm up to my sweat dripping forehead in Florida in August. Or July. Or June. The swan boats were out, and we went for a ride with Grandma, serenaded all the while by a brave young woman whose soprano voice carried music across the Public Gardens. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was lodged firmly in my head for about an hour after the boat ride-an unfortunate side effect which sometimes occurs after encountering street performers.

And I'm feeling a bit sad. I'm looking forward to getting home to see my hubs and our animal family. I'll be very glad to see my FL friends and to begin our new home school year and all of the activities that will bring. Still, there's this feeling in my gut, a longing in my spirit that tells me I belong here. It's impossible to ignore, for it's a "behind the scenes" sort of ache rather than an out loud, griping sort of thing. I'm focusing on the positive, but there's this feeling in my bones. I just don't know what to do about it. All I can do is keep on keepin' on. My fairy cards tell me to focus on my writing, and write away I will. Maybe that's my healing balm, or maybe that's my calling. Time will tell.

One of the local universities here is going to renovate this gorgeous old church for art classes:

They have a fantastic art therapy program here, which is a dream of mine, but even if I did live here it would be tough to do both that and to be the type of Mom I want to be.

But dreams are great motivators, aren't they?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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