Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Early Morning Thought

I was tired this morning, and snuggled deep into a sea of soft covers in a warm bed, when the clock radio began sounding. Reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed and drove to the gym for the second of my three workout days. The workout felt good, especially after I'd acheived a full state of consciousness (really- I was so tired this morning)!

Leaving the YMCA, I heard birds calling to each other. I felt like I was a part of their dance, even though I was only silently listening. As I approached my car, I thought, "Yes! This is one of the huge benefits to being awake at a terribly early hour. I get to hear the world around me awakening."

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I used to be a late night person, but now I love the feeling of early morning. The dew on the cars and grass, and the robins singing.


What do ya think???