Thursday, March 3, 2011

Recommended Reading

I love this book, which is listed as part of my Sisterhood's recommended reading:

This book is really bringing it all back home for me, making me remember all the reasons why Goddess honoring spirituality appealed to me all these many years ago. Today, I'm ready to honor the call; back then, I wasn't quite ready. Sue Monk Kidd talks about how scary taking this very real leap of faith can be, and that's where I am right now. It's frightening to think about the many ways following a less traveled and often misunderstood spiritual path will change one's life. However, I concur with her that to do less than pursue the journey is to dishonor (and, I believe, to discredit) ourselves.

I find it difficult to put this book down once I begin reading. At times, it has moved me to tears for how much I relate to what she says and for the re-realizations it's awakening within me. This is a fantastic book that I highly recommend to anyone embarking on a journey into the Goddess mysteries, as well as to anyone who is already on that road.

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