Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blech

I'm in a foul mood but I'm not sure exactly why. I'm a bit in a mind set of wondering what exactly it is I'm doing with my life, what I could be doing better, and where I'm right on track. I'm frustrated with a few aspects of my life, though mostly quite happy. I believe that if I'm unhappy the only person who can change my state of discontent is me. Usually inner turmoil and depression ( excluding the clinical variety) is the result of us not doing something we know we should be, and deep inside I'm pretty certain what avenues of change I need to stroll down. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to organizing my time, staying focused and just simply doing what needs to be done.

I know that another part of my discontent tonight is due to a bachelor party the hub just rode off to attend. What is it with guys and these stupid parties, where it seems necessary to have some silly girl shaking her butt in everyone's face? He told me they were thinking about going to a pool hall instead, but since he was unwilling to tell me exactly what they were doing, I'm suspect. The thing is, why did they insist on going someplace we're all going to be upset about-why did the organizer of this party insist on going someplace he knew the bride to be would be very unhappy about? Why is getting married a sudden excuse to act like a dog? I know- I have some issues. Or maybe my evolving spiritual awareness is taking my mind to places I haven't visited in awhile, or, in some instances, ever. Maybe there are just some things I'm tired of. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

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