Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Magical Wednesday???

The magickal Monday of which I spoke on Monday morning, quickly turned into a torchurous Tuesday as the little one and I both came down with some sort of bug which derailed us both for the whole day. I believe my daughter was already sick on Sunday night, as she let up a great wailing in the restaurant where we were having dinner directly after the waiter asked her what she'd like to eat. At first, I thought she was frightened by him in some way (though he wasn't really a frightening character), but after he left our table she continued to fuss. The fussing continued throughout dinner, much to the chagrin of our fellow restaurant goers. We gobbled up our food quickly and returned home, where my little one calmed down considerably and promptly fell asleep. Monday morning the Peanut seemed, at first, to be feeling better, though she was not her usual energetic self. By around 10am, she was back to fussing, and we stayed home, me cleaning our house and she lying on the couch enjoying a Noggin marathon (Noggin being the educational program where we live). Fast forward to Monday night. Suddenly, my own body seems to have been invaded by the same evil nasty which is causing great misery in my daughter's life. Accosted by a headache which threatened to explode my sinuses and an upset stomach which made even the yummiest of food look like something the dog left in my yard, I joined my daughter on the couch. Tuesday was a complete washout, with us both moping around the house sipping soup and juice and water and avoiding the outside world at all cost. Today, we both are feeling a bit better. The headache is lingering, but it's not as sharp, and my little one seems to be fussy but doesn't feel warmer than usual and is eating with slightly more gusto. So, I guess magickal Wednesday it is. We'll take things slowly, maybe visit the library and take out some new books. That always serves to make me feel better!

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