Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time to Hit the Road

Hubby and I were talking over coffee this morning about getting out of town. For a couple of weeks now, he's been lamenting over the length of time that has passed since our last road (or airplane) trip; now, finally, my own wanderlust has gotten the better of me. When I stated this morning that I was dying to get out of town, to just escape, he asked me what I wanted to escape from. I considered for a moment, and then stated that it wasn't really an escape from anything in particular, but rather just a need for some sort of break in the daily routine, a change a scenery. I have a longing to see places not usually viewed during our daily lives, to talk with people whose paths we normally would not cross, to smell different smells, and have new things to talk about. I am in need of the freedom that getting away from home offers. There has been such an energy sadness around here lately and that tends to sap one's energy. Doing some traveling, even if only for a short period of time and not over a long distance , can help recharge the psychic and physical batteries. We return with a new, fresh perspective and a rested soul that is ready to once again fight the good fight.

Today, after hitting the gym and doing something with my little one, I'm going to hit the computer and try to figure out where we can run off to for a couple of days. Hubs is up for about anything right now; he called out this morning, on his way to the truck, that I could throw something together and let him know what we are doing. That offers me a little bit of leeway-is it going to be a trip to the Keys, a jaunt to the west coast? The possibilities are somewhat limited given the amount of time we can leave, but I'm sure we can figure something out. Hopefully, this Friday we will be making our way down the road, Hubster, Little One, Moon Dog and me. Would it be too over the top to take the cat as well???

1 comment:

  1. I hope I haven't missed you. Have a wonderful trip.

    Thanks for that lovely comment you left on my latest post today. I really appreciate your kind words.

    CJ xx


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